Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Sloppy Joe and the Random Rhythm Section LP "Neotribal"

In 1989 Sloppy Joe & RRS released Neotribal, the debut LP, on Third Lock Records. Featuring album art by Jennifer Fadel, the best of the early songs, and an excellent recording session at Audio Inc in Dilworth, Neotribal captured something more than the usual run-through of songs. This recording is the wild side of FM album-oriented rock, slicing through the sonic-sphere with far-out guitars, boundless percussion, and strange chants. More than anything we ever did, in my opinion, Neotribal represented Sloppy Joe. In it, one can hear the formative backyard practices, the grinding work ethic, the innocent pride of discovery, and even the tribulations of early gig experiences. It ends with an extend-length track "Ride," and I hope this album still has a few rides left!

Listen to it free in the SoundCloud links below. Side 1 and 2 are separate tracks. SoundCloud app users can choose it as a favorite to listen easily on your mobile device.

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